The following was written by my late
father circa 1950 and delivered by him on a local radio station in
the Philadelphia area. He was an architect with Hatfield, Martin and
White at the time. --GKW
The Architect
by George F. Werner, Jr.
It is natural for us to look at things
from the perspective of our own experience and background. This is
very much like the story of the three men who looked at the same
tree; but they saw three different trees, each according to his own
interests. And so, I don't believe I would be very much out of line
if I should like to view my life as a building and Christ as the
Now, mine is not a very fancy building,
and it will not win any awards; but the Architect bids me build it
strong, of sound materials, and appropriate for the Owner's purpose –
God's purpose.
A very important consideration when
embarking on any building program is selection of site. You must put
the building on the right lot. Now, I could build her on earth; and,
I might turn out a very fine building from all outward appearances.
But, the materials here on earth are worldly and perishable; and, I
fear that before long, my building would again revert to the rubble
and rubbish from which it was built. And so, the Architect bids me
build in heaven, where the materials have an eternal quality, and
where that which is built will last forever.
There is a saying among architects that
a building is no better than the foundation upon which it rests. I
think it was in recognition of this truth when Jesus spoke of the
wisdom of building on rock instead of sand. Now, He is not only my
Architect, but also the Foundation upon which He bids me build, so
that I may be strong to withstand the storms and tempests that beset
all of us.
He has given me a wonderful set of
specifications. Oh, if I could only build according to the letter of
those specifications, what a magnificent structure I would have! But,
unfortunately, I cannot read very well, and my understanding is dim
and vague; but, the Architect takes my hand and helps me place every
stone. Only in that way is the building ever built at all.
The analogy breaks down at this point,
because a very unusual and wonderful thing takes place. You see, in
my line of work, if I should come across a builder who would
misconstrue the drawings and specifications and turn in a shoddy and
messy piece of work, I would not be able to write the final
certificate, or recommend the building to the owner for acceptance.
As a matter of fact, such a builder would undoubtedly find himself in
the hands of the bonding company, long before he reached this point.
But, not so with the Architect of my
life-house. He does not so much as look at the defects. And there are
plenty of them! My walls are anything but plumb, level, and true to
line; and there are places where they have missed the foundations all
together. And my roof leaks.
But, as I say, He never even looks at
these things. Oh, He knows they are there. I am not able to kid Him
along, as the saying goes. But He doesn't look at them, and, what's
more, by some extreme personal cost to Himself, He transforms the
shabby structure into a beautiful mansion, writes the final
certificate and recommends the building to the Owner for acceptance.
And the Owner accepts. Not because of
any intrinsic value in the structure itself, or quality of the
builder, but because of the integrity of the right Architect who
chose me.
I thank God for such an Architect.
Copyright circa1950 George Frederick
Werner Jr. and 2001 Geoffrey and Virginia Werner / Deborah and Glenn Arnesen. All rights
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